he broke it

The story of the feeding of the five thousand holds bukoodles of truth.  (“Bukoodles” is Tennessean for a number you can’t name.) Some are very evident, others are subtle,  My fear as a Bible teacher is seeing too much from a passage and passing it on as truth.  If you teach others from the word, you don’t want to teach less than is there and you don’t want to teach more than is there.  What I am about to say holds true to the Bible as a whole in the idea that God uses broken things and sometimes He is the one that does the breaking.

In Luke 9 He held up the bread and “broke it.”  Then after the people were fed, they took up twelve baskets full of “broken pieces.”  I don’t know why, but the word “broken” jumped out at me.  Jesus took what was whole and “broke it.”  I look back in my life and see some broken areas.  Usually those places of brokeness came from my own hands through choices I made.  When those things brought me to my knees, He gently took the broken areas and made them whole…sometimes like new, sometimes restored, sometimes with cracks and scars left on the surface.  Other times, He has broken me. He breaks me when His word cuts to the bone in conviction.  He breaks me to deal with my self pride.  He breaks me when He takes things I love out of my life to replace them with something greater.  He breaks me when my will is so strong that I ignore His call.  He breaks me….but it ends up being for my good. 

The broken bread fed thousands.  And besides that, the Word said they were “satisfied.”  What a precious word…to be “satisfied” through an act of God.  Who satisfies me when I have needs or questions?  Those who have been broken in the same way I have.  Those who have walked where I walked and got the t-shirt and the mug from their journey.  Those who blog about life’s past, present and future from their state of brokeness.  Honest souls that have been touched by the finger of God and lived to tell the story.  We all benefit from broken people who have that far away look in their eye that tells of a greater day, a greater joy, a greater passion, and even a greater today.  Who has not learned from the boiled covered Job?  Who has not learned from the jailed Joseph? Who has not learned from the hunted David? 


Who has not learned from the crucified, broken Christ?  His body, broken for us.  You see, He will not do to us what He would not take upon Himself.  He drank the cup..the cross that satisfied a Holy God.  His brokeness heals. His brokeness delivers. 

When we begin to feel like He is pulling us apart into brokeness, we have to trust His heart.  Who knows, He may be preparing us to satisfy hungry souls.

Trust His Heart…by Babbie Mason

All things work for our good
Though sometimes we don’t see how they could
Struggles that break our hearts in two
Sometimes blind us to the truth
Our Father knows what best for us
His ways are not our own
So when your pathway grows dim
And you just don’t see Him
Remember you’re never alone

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don’t understand
When you don’t see His plan
When you can’t trace His hand
Trust His heart

He sees the master plan
And He holds our future in His hand
So don’t live as those who have no hope
All our hope is found in Him
We see the present clearly
But He sees the first and the last
And like a tapestry
He’s weaving you and me
To someday be just like Him

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don’t understand
When you don’t see His plan
When you can’t trace His hand
Trust His heart


About 2b14u

I'm just a person. A person who has learned a lot of truth in the darkest days of life. The truth that glimmered, flashed and at times broke through like a day's dawn all came from the hands of a mighty God. His light makes the darkness worth it. To know my background, visit my posts titled "Jack-in-the-Box" and "Jack's Still Jumping"- Feb. 2012.
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39 Responses to he broke it

  1. Anne Sikes says:

    I loved this. Thank you…so beautiful, and so true! Blessings–Anne


  2. Anonymous says:

    I needed to hear this today.


  3. Reblogged this on Wise Little Nuggets and commented:
    This was too good not to share!! It was written by a fellow blogger… If you have time please read!!


  4. This was awesome. We are broken, I feel it, but he sustains me.


    • 2b14u says:

      God’s accounting is different than the world’s. He breaks to make whole. He takes in order to add. He gives in order to multiply. Thanks for your comment and for taking the time to read my thoughts online. I am going to explore your site in a minute!


  5. Pingback: The Beauty in the Blogging « momtoldmetowriteabook

  6. Very encouraging… Great Post!


  7. lorischulz says:

    This is really good. Thanks for commenting on my blog so that I would find yours!



  8. Mindy says:

    …again I am indebted to you for showing me what I should know and too quickly forget, and you, and Babbie, said it beautifully.


  9. Jewels says:

    Love this! Thank you for sharing your insight…


  10. Cristal says:

    What a wonderful reminder that brokeness can lead to freedom and healing. My pride, my arrogance, my selfishness…all need to be broken. Thank you for sharing truth.


  11. Amy says:

    Jesus took what was whole and broke it.

    Um, wow. I know that’s not eloquent, but WOW. That is just all kinds of beautiful.


  12. Chrystal says:

    woweee, powerful words.


  13. 2b14u says:

    Reblogged this on a nut's notes and commented:

    I needed to read this again…


  14. buckwheatsrisk says:

    I can’t thank you enough for this. This is the very scripture I read last night before I went to sleep. I asked God that it wouldn’t be just words, but to show me what he is saying. He just did through your blog and I am in tears. just know your blog is making a difference!


  15. reallifeparent says:

    I love this story. It holds special meaning to me too. Elisabeth Elliot once said: “If my life is broken when given to Jesus, it is because pieces will feed a multitude, while a loaf will satisfy only a little lad.”


    • 2b14u says:

      Oh wow. That is a great quote. I can’t imagine what her life was like after her husband was killed. She would surely know brokeness.


  16. lbkennett says:

    This reminds me of a song Steve Green sang called “Broken & Spilled Out.” Beautiful song. Thanks for the memory.


    • 2b14u says:

      The minute I read your comment I heard that song in my mind. I am so glad you shared because now I know that other people read comments that bring a song to their mind. It happens to me sometimes when I read a post. Life at times is like a musical!!!


  17. A hard message. An impossible word. And yet . . . filled with hope. Thank you for sharing.


  18. Tonya says:

    I’ve read that passage dozens of times, but you have captured a “whole” new meaning for me. 🙂 Thank you!


    • 2b14u says:

      Thanks Tonya. I like being “whole” more than “broken” but it happens!!! Hope your day with the little ones goes well. You are very valuable in their lives.


  19. Wow, broken is what it is all about,He wants us weak so we can be made strong and see the hand of God,but sometimes we take our brokeness and put it Gods face like we are giving a trophy,we put ourselves in the chosen positions of sinful pride and plea a pardon not wanting any outcome of our selfish nature.We claim false victory in Jesus name,and stamp our feet at the “I’ll wait on God ” but he better hurry,or it’s done[it is to those who love and obey] in jesus name so I walk clean.Our brokeness is again as filthy rags.Now is surrender brokeness,and the things that happen are the mortar of the temple we live in untill christ returns.? blessings linda


    • 2b14u says:

      True. When brokeness becomes a badge of honor it no longer glorifies God. True brokeness is when the soul knows that all things come from God and we surrender to it on our spiritual knees without fanfare. ________________________________________


      • yes yes,this is not what I’ve seen in the last 2 years,visiting many sunday and sabbath keeping church from ,penecostal to mennonite,I see organized flesh doings.I’m not a stranger to these and have shared my own baby faith experiences,I’m not bitter only sadden so sad,My valley of the shadow of death is no more then a drop,sometimes my compassionI almost buy in to a path that I could fall back into,oh the touch from the master,the gold tooth ,the confession of whipping the devils behind to wordly times of holy houses,resarection sundays and on an on.why oh why do we use the drama ,whiles of emotion to teach the call of christ.Yes, I’m whole because when he comes again and take what belongs to Him,we will be made new.not a recondition sample of wordly holy spirit songs, testamonies,and counterfited actions of God and His Glory. Yes, the surenderd heart is seen in our light not our darkness


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